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Week 3

Week 3!

This week I did not keep up with calories or macros. I weighed in at 157 Friday morning, which is the same as what I averaged last week. I only ate one tub of halo top all week (3 nights worth) instead of 2, so I'm pleased about that. It's still not the occasional treat that it should be, but cutting my intake in half is pretty damn good.

Most of our meals were a meat and a veggie, which is keeping me satiated. I did not have to spend any time hungry this week. I continued my 16:8 intermittent fasting and have not had breakfast in 3 weeks. On the weekends lunch can be more like brunch and I can eat something that gives that breakfasty feel like a frittata or something. I don't miss breakfasts; when I used to eat a breakfast on work days it was a power bar or cottage cheese at around 8:00 and by 9:30 I was already starving again. Now I'm fine until I start to get hungry around 10:30 and then I try to wait until at least 11 to eat my lunch.

I did snack some at work; I found that by making sure I HAD ok snacks it kind of made me WANT to snack more than I really had the hunger for and needed to. Still, salami/cheese/macadamia nuts/dark chocolate are so yummy. If I had an afternoon snack, I didn't feel as hungry for dinner but I still ate. I am going to try to cut back on the snacking during week 4 and see if it doesn't result in some more weight loss.

Saturday night (last night) we celebrated Julie's birthday AND my 2 month soberversary by getting sushi and cake. That was a big carb bomb for me - rice as well as a big slice of delicious cake. I felt super full after the meal, but this morning I went for a run so I probably burned most of that glycogen off. :)

I have 2 new Nom Nom Paleo cookbooks to try out soon. There are lots of great sounding recipes in there. Today we are smoking a pork shoulder like we did 2 weeks ago so there will be plenty of delicious pork meals to be had this week. A pile of pork, a Greek yogurt dressing, and a roasted or sauteed veggie on the side makes for a very satisfying meal!

I'm still not going to keep track of calories or macros during week 4. I think when it gets to the point where I'm at the same weight for 3 or 4 weeks that would be an indication that I've found my balance. If that happens before I reach 140 lbs I have to decide if I'm ok where I am or if I really want to put in the work to lose more - which means putting in more work to stay there. Right now I feel good, I'm happy with the amount of carbs I'm getting (which I'm certain is less than 100/day), and I'm doing a fine job of staying away from the super carby things except for that one special celebration meal last night. 


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